Girls Back In School

Education champions the empowerment of women an girls across the world. But hunger, lower social status chores, early marriages, school safety, menstruation and sanitation are all barriers preventing girls and young women from receiving proper education. All4Women implements “Girls Back To School” projects, which may begin with identifying and addressing the unique barriers that keep girls out of school, while at the same time working with boys and men to help identify and address these barriers. We build equitable environments through which girls and young women can learn, thrive and grow.


Communication and access to technology is a fundamental issue of the rights of women and girls across the world. All4Women “SheCodes” initiative aims to empower young girls and women through digital and ICT programs like web development and design, programming, automation and industrial computing. We support technology that opens opportunities for all women and create long-term social and economic impact in local communities in Cameroon. Women and girls spend 90% of their income on their families. We believe that by investing in improving the technological capacities of women and girls, this will give them the opportunity to find financial independency and build their own carriers. This will directly affect their family members and their communities. We design programs that create opportunities for young women and girls to learn new skills sustain their interest in technology and allow them to thrive and excel.

Capacity and Skills Building

We aim to promote employment oriented skills, capacity building and up gradation of training disadvantaged and vulnerable young women in Tailoring, Baking, Catering and Soap making. We focus at creating awareness on the social issues of young women and girls and distribute information, education and communication (IEC) materials to inspire, moral boost and build courage of rural and urban marginalised young women to stand up and fight for their rights and welfare, developing and leading change in their communities. We encourage self employment and offer psychosocial support to disadvantaged young women and girls through our Skills and Capacity Building program.

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